Installation (GNU/Linux)

Depending on your kernel version, you could need to modprobe the module intel_rapl or intel_rapl_common before running scaphandre:

modprobe intel_rapl_common # or intel_rapl for kernels < 5


To quickly run scaphandre in your terminal you may use docker:

docker run -v /sys/class/powercap:/sys/class/powercap -v /proc:/proc -ti hubblo/scaphandre stdout -t 15


Since Debian Sid, Scaphandre is available as an official package, try:

sudo apt install scaphandre

If not (yet) in your official packages repositories, on Debian or Ubuntu, you can directly use the available .deb package for Debian Bullseye or the package for Debian Bookworm.

# For Debian Bookworm
VERSION="1.0.1" ARCH="amd64" DIST="deb12" && \
wget${VERSION}/scaphandre_v${VERSION}-${DIST}_${ARCH}.deb && \
dpkg -i scaphandre_v${VERSION}\-${DIST}\_${ARCH}.deb && \
rm scaphandre_v${VERSION}\-${DIST}\_${ARCH}.deb

Run the binary

Once you downloaded or built a binary, you'd run:

scaphandre stdout -t 15

Here are some other ways to install scaphandre depending on your context:

Kudos to contributors who work on system packages, please have a try and/or contribute to:

Other tutorials should come, as:

  • install scaphandre as a proper systemd service
  • scaphandre in your favorite GNU/Linux distribution (need help from packaging gurus !)
  • scaphandre on MacOSX
  • and more...