Install Scaphandre on Windows

!! Warning: Windows version of Scaphandre is still in early stage. !!

Using the installer

Download the latest exe installer from the release page and install it as an administrator.

Configuring a Windows service to run Scaphandre in the background

For example, to run the prometheus-push exporter in the background and target the Prometheus Push Gateway server with ip address using HTTPS on port 443 and a step to send metrics of 45s, without checking the certificate of the push gateway (remove that option if you have a properly signed TLS certificate):

sc.exe create Scaphandre binPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\scaphandre\scaphandre.exe prometheus-push -H -s 45 -S https -p 443 --no-tls-check" DisplayName=Scaphandre start=auto

Ensure the service is started in Services.msc, start it by right clicking on it, then Start, otherwise.

To delete the service, you can do it in Services.msc, or:

sc.exe delete Scaphandre

Using an installer including a development version of the driver

If you are running a development version of the installer (which probably means a development version of the driver), you'll need to enable Test Mode on Windows prior to proceed to this installation, then reboot.

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
bcdedit.exe -set nointegritychecks on

Beware: in this case, activation of test mode and a reboot is needed before anyway.

Once installed, you should be able to run scaphandre from Powershell, by running :

& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\scaphandre\scaphandre.exe' stdout


An error such as

scaphandre::sensors::msr_rapl: Failed to open device : HANDLE(-1)

means that the driver is not properly setup. Check it's state by running:

driverquery /v | findstr capha

If there is not item returned, the installation of the driver encountered an issue.

If the service is STOPPED, there is also something wrong.


If you look for compiling Scaphandre and its driver yourself, see Compilation for Windows