Riemann exporter

riemann exporter


You can launch the Riemann exporter this way (running the default powercap_rapl sensor):

scaphandre riemann

As always exporter's options can be displayed with -h:

Expose the metrics to a Riemann server

Usage: scaphandre riemann [OPTIONS]

  -a, --address <ADDRESS>
          Address of the Riemann server. If mTLS is used this must be the server's FQDN [default: localhost]
  -p, --port <PORT>
          TCP port number of the Riemann server [default: 5555]
  -d, --dispatch-interval <DISPATCH_INTERVAL>
          Duration between each metric dispatch, in seconds [default: 5]
  -q, --qemu
          Apply labels to metrics of processes looking like a Qemu/KVM virtual machine
          Monitor and apply labels for processes running as containers
          Connect to Riemann using mTLS instead of plain TCP
      --ca <CA_FILE>
          CA certificate file (.pem format)
      --cert <CERT_FILE>
          Client certificate file (.pem format)
      --key <KEY_FILE>
          Client RSA key file
  -h, --help
          Print help

With default options values, the metrics are sent to http://localhost:5555 every 5 seconds

Use --mtls option to connect to a Riemann server using mTLS. In such case, you must provide the following parameters:

  • --address to specify the fqdn of the Riemann server.
  • --ca to specify the CA that authenticate the Riemann server.
  • --cert to specify the client certificate.
  • --key to specify the RSA key to be used by the client certificate.

Use -q or --qemu option if you are running scaphandre on a hypervisor. In that case a label with the vm name will be added to all qemu-system* processes. This will allow to easily create charts consumption for each vm and defined which one is the top contributor.

Troubleshooting note: run Scaphandre using -vv parameter. If Scaphandre is stuck on the Send data log event, ensure you are connecting the Riemann server using a TLS port (5554 in the below example). As a reference here is a Riemann configuration:

; -*- mode: clojure; -*-
; vim: filetype=clojure

(logging/init {:file "riemann.log"})

; Listen on the local interface over TCP (5555), UDP (5555), TLS/TCP (5554)  and websockets
; (5556)
(let [host ""]
  (tcp-server {:host host})
  (tcp-server {:host host
               :port 5554
               :tls? true
               :key "/client.key.pkcs8"
               :cert "/client.pem"
               :ca-cert "/CA.pem"})
  (udp-server {:host host})
  (ws-server  {:host host}))

; Expire old events from the index every 5 seconds.
(periodically-expire 5)

(let [index (index)]
  ; Inbound events will be passed to these streams:
    (default :ttl 60
      ; Index all events immediately.

      ; Log expired events.
        (fn [event] (info "expired" event))))))

Metrics exposed

Metrics provided Scaphandre are documented here.

There is only one exception about process_power_consumption_microwatts each process has a service name process_power_consumption_microwatts_pid_exe.

As an example, process consumption can be retrieved using the following Riemann query:

(service =~ "process_power_consumption_microwatts_%_firefox") or (service =~ "process_power_consumption_microwatts_%_scaphandre")