Installation (GNU/Linux)
Depending on your kernel version, you could need to modprobe the module intel_rapl or intel_rapl_common before running scaphandre:
modprobe intel_rapl_common # or intel_rapl for kernels < 5
To quickly run scaphandre in your terminal you may use docker:
docker run -v /sys/class/powercap:/sys/class/powercap -v /proc:/proc -ti hubblo/scaphandre stdout -t 15
Or if you downloaded or built a binary, you'd run:
scaphandre stdout -t 15
Here are some other ways to install scaphandre depending on your context:
- quickly try the project with docker-compose/docker stack
- run scaphandre on kubernetes
- run scaphandre on RHEL, with prometheus-push mode
Kudos to contributors who work on system packages, please have a try and/or contribute to:
- Debian package, maintainer: @barnumbirr
- NixOS package, maintainer: @mmai
Other tutorials should come, as:
- install scaphandre as a proper systemd service
- scaphandre in your favorite GNU/Linux distribution (need help from packaging gurus !)
- scaphandre on MacOSX
- and more...